Eser, Hurşid Ahmed ve Zafer İshak Ensari tarafından telif edilen ve merkezi İngiltere’nin Leicester şehrinde bulunan İslâm Vakfı tarafından 1979 yılında yayınlanan “İslâmî Görüşler (Seyyid Ebu’l-Alâ Mevdudî anısına çalışmalar)” adlı eserden alınmıştır. Ayrıca bkz. İslâm Ekonomisi ve Sosyal Güvenlik Sistemi (İçinde), der. Faruk Yılmaz, İstanbul: Marifet yayınları, 1991, s. 51-82; İslâm Ekonomi Felsefesi (İçinde), der. Faruk Yılmaz, Ankara: Berikan Yayınevi, 2011, s. 50-68.
In this paper an attempt is made to show that Islam is deeply concerned with the problem of economic development, but treats this as an important part of a wider problem - human development with the result that economic development remains an integrated and indivisible element of the moral and socio-economic development of human society. The paper lays down the following four principles of the philosophic foundations of the Islamic approach to development: 1. Tawhid (God’s unity and sovereignty). 2. Rabubiyyah (Divine arrangements for nourishment, sustenance and directing things towards their perfection). 3. Khilafah (man’s role as God’s vicegerent on earth). 4. Tazkiyah (purification plus growth). The result of Tazkiyah is falah-prosperity in this world and the hereafter. In the light of these foundational principles, the following five elements of the concept of development have been identified: (a) The concept of development has a comprehensive character and includes moral, spiritual and material aspects. Development becomes a goal and value-oriented activity. (b) The focus for development effort and the heart of the development process is man, and his physical and socio- cultural environment. (c) Economic development is a multi-dimensional activity. (d) Economic development involves a number of changes, quantitative as well as qualitative. (e) Islamic development efforts call for optimum utilisation and equitable distribution of resources. This is followed by formulation of the goals of development pol- icy as derived from the above concept of development in an Islamic framework. The paper stressed the need for the following: 1. Human resource development. 2. Expansion of useful production, ensuring availability of food and basic items of necessity at reasonably cheap prices, of defense requirements of the society and production pattern ensuring self- sufficiency in basic capital goods.3. Improvement of quality of life ensuring employment creation, broad-based system of social security based on Zakah, equitable distribution of income and wealth. 4. Balanced and harmonious development between sectors and regions of society, emphasizing de-centralisation of enterprises and decision-making in the economy. 5. Evolution of new indigenous technology in keeping with Islamic values. 6. Reduction of national dependence on the outside world and gre- ater integration within the Muslim world in order to fulfill the demands of Ummah’s position as Khalifa vis-a-vis rest of the world. Lastly, the author has tried to specify some of the new changes that would be needed in contemporary approaches and methodologies of development planning.