Diğer İktisadi Düşünce 1985

On the Islamic Theory of Consumer Behaviour: An Empirical Study in a Non-Islamic Country

  • Kodu: 5152
  • Eserin Orjinal İsmi: On the Islamic Theory of Consumer Behaviour: An Empirical Study in a Non-Islamic Country
  • Türü: Diğer
  • Alan: İktisadi Düşünce
  • Konu(lar): Tüketici davranışı
  • Dili: İngilizce
  • Yayın Yılı: 1985
  • Yayın Yeri: Durham
  • Yayınevi: Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
  • Sayfa Sayısı: 18
  • Keywords: Consumer Behaviour
  • Anahtar Kelimeler: Tüketici davranışı
  • Açıklama: Reviews the theory of consumer behaviour in Islam Investigates the consumer behaviour of Muslims living in Scotland on the basis of a sample survey. Concludes that Muslims assign the second highest priority to spending on social responsibilities after meeting their basic needs. However about two-thirds of the sample revealed that they put their savings in interest-earning accounts.Suggests that Islamic banks should reduce their minimum deposit limit and also inform Muslims about riba and the working of Islamic banks. An empirical study. For Muslim economists. Analytical. Based on primary sources. Documented.
  • Bilgilerin Alındığı Kaynak: Bibliografya Kaydı