Diğer İktisadi Düşünce 1988

Islamic Finance and Banking: Theory, Practice and Prospects

  • Kodu: 5377
  • Eserin Orjinal İsmi: Islamic Finance and Banking: Theory, Practice and Prospects
  • Türü: Diğer
  • Alan: İktisadi Düşünce
  • Konu(lar): Uygulama, Beklentiler
  • Dili: İngilizce
  • Yayın Yılı: 1988
  • Yayın Yeri: Lahore
  • Yayınevi: Progressive Publishers
  • Sayfa Sayısı: 31
  • Keywords: Practice, Prospects
  • Anahtar Kelimeler: Uygulama, Beklentiler
  • Açıklama: Opens with a discussion of the economic objectives of an ideal Islamic society. Traces the history of Islamic banking. Discusses some theoretical issues relating to interest-free finance. Discusses at length the question of return on public debt and indexation of loans in an inflationary environment. Closes with an agenda for further research. 3:12:31 ‘ARIFF, M., ‘Islamic Banking’, Asia-Pacific Economic Literature, (2:2) September 1988, pp. 48-64. Traces the history of Islamic banking. Surveys the theoretical as well as practical literature on the subject. Informative. Descriptive. Based on primary sources. Documented.
  • Bilgilerin Alındığı Kaynak: Bibliografya Kaydı