Makale Büyüme/Kalkınma/Refah 1986

Comments on Kauthar al-Abji's 'The Study of Investment Feasibility in the Light of Islamic Jurisprudence'

  • Kodu: 5306
  • Eserin Orjinal İsmi: Comments on Kauthar al-Abji's 'The Study of Investment Feasibility in the Light of Islamic Jurisprudence'
  • Türü: Makale
  • Alan: Büyüme/Kalkınma/Refah
  • Konu(lar): İslam,Hukuk, Yatırım
  • Dili: İngilizce
  • Yayın Yılı: 1986
  • Sayfa Sayısı: 8
  • Keywords: Islamic, Jurisprudence, Investment
  • Anahtar Kelimeler: İslam,Hukuk, Yatırım
  • Açıklama: Paper presented to the International Seminar on Economic Development and Planning in an Islamic Economy organised by I.I.I.E. at Islamabad in July 1986. Individual preferences and their relationship with the social welfare function should expose certain political and legal requirements. The criteria presented as Islamic boils down to the net social benefit criterion (which has been a common economic concept) and a ranking criterion (which requires special enforcement tools). The choice ofthe proper discount rate is similar in an Islamic environment but is difficult in our present environment. For Muslim economists. Based on primary sources. Documented.
  • Bilgilerin Alındığı Kaynak: Bibliografya Kaydı